Epidemic Outbreaks

6.S083 / 18.S190 Spring 2020: Problem set 3

Submission deadline: Tuesday April 21, 2020 at 11:59pm.

In this problem set, we will develop our first proper model that exhibits an epidemic outbreak.

We will develop a stochastic (probabilistic) model of an infection propagating in a population that is well mixed, i.e. in which everyone is in contact with everyone else. An example of this would be a small school or university in which people are constantly moving around and interacting with each other.

As usual, we will make modelling assumptions that allow us to reach the goal as fast and simply as possible.

The model is an individual-based or agent-based model – in other words, we explicitly keep track of each individual in the population and what their infection status is. However, we will not keep track of their position in space; we will just assume that there is some mechanism by which they interact with other individuals which we do not include in the model (for now).

Exercise 1: Modelling the spread of an infection or rumour

In this exercise we will model the spread of an infection or rumour in which there is no recovery via a stochastic model, which we will implement in a Monte Carlo simulation (i.e. a simulation that involves generating random numbers).

We will call the individuals agents.

  1. Julia has a data type called an enumerated type. Variables of this type can only take one of a pre-defined set of values; we will use this to model the possible internal state of an agent.

    The code to define an enum is as follows:

     @enum InfectionStatus S I R

    This defines a new type InfectionStatus, as well as names S, I and R that are the only possible values that a variable of this type can take.

    Define a variable x equal to S. What is its type?

  2. Convert x to an integer using the Int function. What value does it have? What values do I and R have?

  3. Take . Make an array agents whose th entry is the status of agent number . Make them all initially susceptible.

  4. Now choose a single agent at random and make it infectious. (Hint: Use the rand function with a range to choose the index of the infectious agent.)

  5. Write a function step! that takes a Vector agents and a probability p_I as arguments. This function may modify the content of agents to implement one step of the infection dynamics.

    1. Choose an agent at random.
    2. If is not infectious then nothing happens on this step so you can just return from the function.
    3. Choose another agent at random. Make sure that . To do so, repeat this choice until .
    4. If is susceptible then infects with probability .
  6. Write a function sweep! which takes arguments agents and p_INN$$ is the number of agents. Thus each agent acts, on average, once per sweep. One sweep is thus the unit of time in our Monte Carlo simulation.

  7. Write a function infection_simulation. It should take and as arguments, as well as , the total number of steps.

    1. First generate the Vector agents of length , picking one to be initially infected, and a Vector Is to store the number of infectious individuals at each step.

    2. Run sweep! a number of times. Calculate the total number of infectious agents at the end of each step and store that number in Is.

    3. Return Is as the output of the function.

  8. Run your simulation 50 times with and collect the data in a Vector of Vectors called results, using and .

    Plot each of the 50 graphs on the same plot using transparency 0.5.

  9. Calculate the mean trajectory using the mean function applied to results. [This “just works” since mean is implmented in a generic way!] Add it to the plot using a heavier line.

  10. Calculate the standard deviation of at each step. [This should thus be a *vector.] Add this to the plot using error bars, using the option yerr=σ in the plot command; use transparency.

    This should confirm that the distribution of at each step is pretty wide!

  11. You should see that the mean behaves in a similar way to what we saw in lectures using a deterministic model. So what is the deterministic model possibly describing, in terms of the stochastic model?

Exercise 2: Agent type

Suppose we want to track more information about each agent, e.g. how many other agents were infected by that agent. We could just create an additional array with that information in, but we will need to pass that around and will start to lose track of what belongs together.

Instead a good solution is to define a custom composite type.

  1. Define a mutable type Agent as follows:

     mutable struct Agent
  2. Define a method of the constructor of Agent that takes no arguments and sets the status to S and the number infected to 0.

  3. Rewrite your code from Exercise 1 to use the new Agent type. Now when your functions accept an agents vector, they should assume that that represents a Vector of Agent objects.

    You can enforce this using a function signature like

     function f(agents::Vector{Agent})

    You should call your main function num_infected_dist_simulation, where you create an array agents of Agents of size and set the first one’s infection status to I.

  4. Update an agent’s num_infected field whenever it infects another agent.

  5. At the end of the simulation, extract the probability distribution of the “number of agents infected”, using your code from Exercise 1 of Problem Set 2. This should be returned from num_infected_dist_simulation.

  6. Average the distribution over 50 simulations and plot the result. What kind of distribution does it seem to be? You will need to think about how to visualize this.

Exercise 3: Epidemic model

  1. Add recovery to your model using an additional parameter p_R in the step! and related functions.

    In each sweep, each agent should check if it is infected, and if so it recovers with probability .

    The function simulation_with_recovery should return vectors Ss, Is and Rs giving the time evolution of the numbers of , and , as well as the probability distribution of number of people infected.

  2. Run the simulation with , and for time . Plot , and as a function of time. You should see graphs that look familiar from the internet, with an epidemic outbreak, i.e. a significant fraction of infectious agents after a short time, which then recover.

  3. Plot the distribution of num_infected. Does it have a recognisable shape?

  4. Run the simulation 50 times and plot as a function of time for each, together with the mean over the 50 simulations (as you did in Exercise 2).

  5. Describe 3 ways in which you could characterize the magnitude of the epidemic. Find these quantities for one of the runs of your simulation.